IDC Building

Curriculum Advisory Committee

Committee Charge

  • Reviews and approves all proposed changes and additions to college curriculum.
  • Reviews other college functions related to curriculum.
  • Advises the Executive Vice-President, Educational Programs, on curriculum development.
  • Review the GE requirements and recommends changes as appropriate.

This is an interactive process. You are responsible for your proposal:

Online Course Requests
  • If you are submitting a proposal for an online course (hybrid or fully online), schedule a meeting with Kathy O'Connor (course and curriculum design), Laurie Vasquez (accessibility compliance), and the Faculty Resource Center (course design and training).
  • Meet regularly with FRC staff during the semester you submit your proposal to begin online course training and development
  • Attend Tech Review appointment during the semester you are developing your course prior to the CAC hearing and representation of your course
  • Once your proposal has the seal of approval from your CAC Rep and Tech Review, you are required to attend a CAC Hearing and represent your course.
Create the proposal in CurrIQunet
  • Please consult our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Website
    • This website was created by CAC and offers helpful tips on how to address both the new DEIA questions in the COR as well as the DE addendum questions on Accessibility (question 2), Equity and Inclusion (question 3), and Regular and Substantive Contact (question 4) 
  • Additional resources and guidelines can be found under the "tutorials" tab on this website
  • If you have questions about the content of your proposal, contact a CAC Rep or stop by one of the “Drop in” meetings for answers
  • Issues with the software CurrIQunet contact Kaylene:
Tech Review
  • Once your proposal is approved by your Department Chair, you are mandated to sit with your CAC Rep and review the proposal in a Tech Review session
  • You should contact the Curriculum Coordinator (Kaylene: ) to assist you in setting up a Tech Review appointment
  • Tech Review appointments are made non CAC Agenda Meeting Mondays, between 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. 
CAC Hearing Agenda
  • Once your proposal has the seal of approval from your CAC Rep, you are required to attend a CAC Hearing and represent your course.
  • CAC Hearings are on the First and Third Monday’s of each month. The CAC will not review a course that does not have a representative
  • The Curriculum Coordinator will let you know when your proposal will be schedule for a Hearing

Catalog Deadline

Submission by the CAC due date is not a guarantee the course or program will be included in the catalog.  All courses and programs must undergo the Curriculum Approval process.




Tara Carter Chair (tie-breaker)
Julie Brown Business Division Representative
Laura Castro Education Support Division Representative
Bonny Bryan English Division Representative
Luis Hernández ESL / Modern Languages Division Representative
Armando Ramos Fine Arts / School of Media Arts Division Representative
Israel Fonseca/Kimberly Jordan Health and Human Services Division Representative
Ignacio Alarcon Mathematics Division Representative
Kathy O'Connor PE/Athletics Division Representative
Kristen Sneddon Sciences Division Representative
Chris Kramer Social Sciences Division Representative
Acting Israel Fonseca/Kimberly Jordan Technologies Division Representative
Patricia Mautone Noncredit Faculty Representative
Esther Frankel Noncredit Faculty Representative
María L. Villagómez Assistant Superintendent / Vice President of Academic Affairs (non-voting member)
Laura Castro Articulation Officer (non-voting member)
Elizabeth Imhof Administration Representative (non-voting member)
Sally Chuah Resource Educational Support / Library (non-voting member)
Laurie Vasquez Resource Accessibility Specialist / ESD (non-voting member)
Elizabeth Chisholm Academic Senate Liaison (non-voting member)
TBD Student Liaison (non-voting member)
Kaylene Thomas Curriculum Coordinator  - Credit (non-voting member) 
Educational Support, English, Fine Arts/School of Media Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education, Sciences, Social Sciences
Vacant Curriculum Coordinator - CTE and Noncredit (non-voting member)
Business, ESL/Modern Languages, Health and Human Services, School of Extended Learning, Technologies

Learn More


Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

See upcoming meeting dates, and view agendas and minutes from previous meetings


Additional Resources

Committee files and documents available for view/download