Campus Tree

Budget Committee

1st and 3rd Thursdays | 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Hybrid Meeting Option in A-121
 Join Zoom Meeting | ID: 81308480249 | Passcode: 558354


Role and/or Position
 Chris Renbarger Co-Chair (Non-Voting Resource Member)
 Carola Smith Co-Chair (Non-Voting Resource Member)
 Jamie Campbell Academic Senate
 John Clark Academic Senate
 Danielle Swiontek Academic Senate
 Roxane Byrne Advancing Leadership Association (ALA)
 Jeanette Chian Advancing Leadership Association (ALA)
 Vanessa Pelton Advancing Leadership Association (ALA)
 Erin Coulter Association of Confidential Employees (ACE)
 Liz Auchincloss California School Employees Association (CSEA)
 Cyndi Rogers California School Employees Association (CSEA)
 Parker Shankin-Clarke California School Employees Association (CSEA)
 Jordan Killebrew Executive Committee (EC)
Cornelia Alsheimer-Barthel Faculty Association (FA)
Patricia Mautone Faculty Association Noncredit (FAN)
Sally Saenger Faculty Association Noncredit (FAN)
Alexandra Thierjung Recorder

Committee Charge

The SBCC Budget Committee shall function as a participatory governance committee reporting to the College Planning Council. The Budget Committee's scope of responsibility shall include the following:

  1. Review the budget development process and make recommendations for improvement.
  2. Identify opportunities for fiscal transparency and budget sustainability.
  3. Advise on matters related to resource allocation issues.
  4. Ensure compliance with relevant accreditation standards.

Learn More


Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

See upcoming meeting dates, and view agendas and minutes from previous meetings


Additional Resources

Committee files and documents available for view/download